There are numerous options to make sure your home is connected. You can obtain telephone, internet,
television, and even security services. In fact, most television service providers also offer each of these
other connectivity options for your home. You may be tempted to price everything out individually to
obtain the best price per service. In reality, you will likely find that ordering this service from the same
provider can make the entire package much more affordable. However, there are key points to
remember when bundling services.
Contract or Month to Month
First, you need to decide where your comfort level lies. Many of these bundling packages are cheaper
when a contract is signed. This is because customers are guaranteed to stick around for an extended
period of time. Most contracts are two years in length. Barring any unforeseeable circumstances, such
as a move or death, a fee will be charged if you cancel the contract early. However, by agreeing to this
contract, you will often receive added benefits, such as free premium channels, free installation, or even
a free month or two of services. Choosing to forego the contract does not indicate the bundle will not
save money, but may indicate freebies will not be given.
More Than You Need
The more services you bundle, the cheaper the package will be. Companies would rather guarantee that
you are giving them all of your business than risk losing you to a competitor. As a result, some of the
best priced packages offer more services than most people need or want. Many bundles include
internet, television, and telephone. In the age of increased cellular usage, most people do not wish to
have a home telephone. However, by agreeing to keep the landline, you may actually pay less per
month than if you purchased just television and internet. Be prepared to agree to more than you may
need or want to get better overall pricing. The added benefit is that if you decide you want to have the
service down the line, it is already built in. Agreeing to add the telephone service does not mean you
need to attach it to an actual phone. It simply means the line is there is you should choose to utilize it in
the future.
Bundling will almost always save you time and money, keeping your services in a neat billing package
that keeps you and your service provider happy. However, it is still important to price out each provider
to find the best price for your service needs. Using a company that works as a broker for these types of
service may be in your best interest. These companies do the legwork for you, giving you the pricing
from different providers to help you choose the best fit for your family. If you are shopping for service
providers for your home to make sure you are connected, contact the experts at The Connected Home
at (612) 424-8483. They will gladly help you find the best company for your needs and budget.